To show our commitment to event safety, our inflatable’s have just had their independent annual tests for 2022. This is a requirement under government guidance from HSE (the Health & Safety Executive). The guidance says that testing should be carried out by a competent person. It is best practice if this person is independent. In this blog we demonstrate our commitment to public safety by showing how we comply with the guidance.

This year two inspectors from the Rundles Inspection Body visited us at our Essex base to carry out this essential task. We had a production line of laying out the inflatables. Conducting the testing, and then packing them away again. Everything went smoothly. It was remarked our equipment was well maintained and in good condition. This meant that the testing went quickly because there were no faults to log.
The inspectors used the new digital testing software that ADIPS now requests its inspection bodies to use.
UK manufactured inflatables made to British Standards
Our inflatable’s are made in the UK to BS EN 14960:2016. The Health & Safety Executive recognize two testing registration schemes as being best practice for inflatable testing. These are PIPA and ADIPS. Our inflatables have either PIPA tags or ADIPS doc’s.
Event Safety
There is an advantage of using an operator that has certificates issued under these two testing schemes. This is that the certificates can be checked independently online. Because, lets be honest, does the average charity or event organizer know what a safety certificate should look like? Is it real? Tested correctly? To the right standard? Carried out by a qualified person?

Try It For Yourself!
Visit the ADIPS website, enter one of our inflatable’s ADIPS I.D. number and check the certificate or Declaration of Operational Compliance to see when it expires. Have a try yourself ! Go to ADIPS website’s Check A Doc and then type in the ID for our Bronze Show Bubble Cave inflatable which is: 14566

Staff Training.
Recently, our staff have undergone some new and renewed training. Firstly in May some undertook an Emergency First Aid at Work course by an accredited training body. Although the course is a general one, we had a bolt on of sports injuries included as well.
Also, staff are now undertaking an RPii course to inflatable workers. The Register of Play Inspectors International (RPII) is the official UK body for examining, accrediting and certificating inflatable, indoor and outdoor play inspectors. It now offers a training course for operators of inflatable equipment.
Staff Training Records.
Staff training records can be found in our Controller’s Pack (Compliance Pack). Read about this in our How to book a Knockout Challenge blog.